LordMZTE 05de59253b
Add support for reponse sent when the server is starting
Other changes:
- bump dependencies
- upgrade rust edition
- switch to tracing
2022-04-02 00:39:04 +02:00

233 lines
7.1 KiB

use crate::output::Table;
use async_minecraft_ping::StatusResponse;
use crossterm::{
style::{Attribute, Color, Print, ResetColor, SetAttribute, SetForegroundColor},
use image::{DynamicImage, ImageFormat};
use itertools::Itertools;
use miette::{bail, miette, IntoDiagnostic, WrapErr};
use tracing::info;
use std::{
io::{self, Cursor, Write},
use trust_dns_resolver::TokioAsyncResolver;
use serde::Deserialize;
pub mod output;
/// returns an `Option` of the expression passed in
/// `None` if the `is_empty` on the expression returns true, `Some(x)` otherwise
/// this is a macro and not a function because `is_empty` is not defined in any
/// trait
macro_rules! none_if_empty {
($x:expr) => {{
// let binding to avoid copying
let x = $x;
if x.is_empty() {
} else {
pub enum EitherStatusResponse {
Text { text: String },
pub async fn resolve_address(addr_and_port: &str) -> miette::Result<(String, u16)> {
info!("Resolving address");
let addr;
let port;
if let Some((addr_, port_)) = addr_and_port.split_once(':') {
info!("Address has explicit port");
addr = addr_;
port = Some(
.wrap_err("User provided port is invalid")?,
} else {
info!("Address has no explicit port");
addr = addr_and_port;
port = None;
if let Some(port) = port {
Ok((addr.to_string(), port))
} else if addr.parse::<IpAddr>().is_ok() {
info!("Got IP address without explicit port, assuming 25565");
// if we only have an IP and no port, there is no domain to lookup so we can
// only default to port 25565.
Ok((addr.to_string(), 25565))
} else {
info!("Sending SRV request");
let dns = TokioAsyncResolver::tokio_from_system_conf()
.wrap_err("Failed to create DNS resolver")?;
let lookup = dns.srv_lookup(format!("_minecraft._tcp.{}.", addr)).await;
if let Ok(lookup) = lookup {
info!("Found SRV record");
let srv = lookup
.ok_or_else(|| miette!("No SRV record found"))?;
let addr =;
let addr = addr.trim_end_matches('.');
let port = srv.port();
Ok((addr.to_string(), port))
} else {
info!("No SRV record found. Defaulting to 25565");
// if there is no SRV record, we have to default to port 25565
Ok((addr.to_string(), 25565))
/// Print mincraft-formatted text to `out` using crossterm
pub fn print_mc_formatted(s: &str, mut out: impl Write) -> io::Result<()> {
macro_rules! exec {
(fg, $color:ident) => {
(at, $attr:ident) => {
($action:expr) => {{
let mut splits = s.split('§');
if let Some(n) = {
let mut empty = true;
for split in splits {
empty = false;
if let Some(c) = split.chars().next() {
match c {
// Colors
'0' => exec!(fg, Black),
'1' => exec!(fg, DarkBlue),
'2' => exec!(fg, DarkGreen),
'3' => exec!(fg, DarkCyan),
'4' => exec!(fg, DarkRed),
'5' => exec!(fg, DarkMagenta),
'6' => exec!(fg, DarkYellow),
'7' => exec!(fg, Grey),
'8' => exec!(fg, DarkGrey),
'9' => exec!(fg, Blue),
'a' => exec!(fg, Green),
'b' => exec!(fg, Cyan),
'c' => exec!(fg, Red),
'd' => exec!(fg, Magenta),
'e' => exec!(fg, Yellow),
'f' => exec!(fg, White),
// Formatting
// Obfuscated. This is the closest thing, althogh not many terminals support it.
'k' => exec!(at, RapidBlink),
'l' => exec!(at, Bold),
'm' => exec!(at, CrossedOut),
'n' => exec!(at, Underlined),
'o' => exec!(at, Italic),
'r' => exec!(ResetColor),
_ => {},
// no need to reset color if there were no escape codes.
if !empty {
pub fn mc_formatted_to_ansi(s: &str) -> io::Result<String> {
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
let mut c = Cursor::new(&mut bytes);
print_mc_formatted(s, &mut c)?;
// this shouldn't be able to fail, as we started of with a valid utf8 string.
let out = String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
let out = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(bytes) };
/// formats a iterator to a readable list
/// if `second_column`, the right strings will also be displayed
pub fn get_table<'a>(
entries: impl Iterator<Item = (&'a str, &'a str)> + Clone,
second_column: bool,
) -> String {
if second_column {
let mut table = Table::new();
for entry in entries {
table.small_entry(entry.0, entry.1);
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::<u8>::new());
table.print(&mut cursor).unwrap();
} else {
// this syntax is used due to a nightly function which will be added to rust
// also called intersperse
Itertools::intersperse(|x| x.0), "\n").collect()
/// parses a base64 formatted image
pub fn parse_base64_image(data: String) -> miette::Result<DynamicImage> {
info!("Parsing base64 image");
let (header, data) = data
.ok_or_else(|| miette!("Couldn't parse base64 image due to missing format header."))?;
let (data_type, image_format) = header
.ok_or_else(|| miette!("Failed to parse base64 image, header has invalid format."))?;
let image_format = image_format
.ok_or_else(|| miette!("Failed to parse base64 image, header has invalid format."))?;
if data_type != "data:image" {
bail!("base64 image is not an image! Has type {}", data_type);
let format = ImageFormat::from_extension(image_format).ok_or_else(|| {
"Failed to parse base64 image due to unknown image type: {}",
let data = base64::decode(data)
.wrap_err("Failed to decode base64 image data")?;
image::load(Cursor::new(data), format)
.wrap_err("Failed to load base64 image")