LordMZTE 05de59253b
Add support for reponse sent when the server is starting
Other changes:
- bump dependencies
- upgrade rust edition
- switch to tracing
2022-04-02 00:39:04 +02:00

246 lines
6.8 KiB

use async_minecraft_ping::{ConnectionConfig, ServerDescription, StatusResponse};
use itertools::Itertools;
use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, WrapErr};
use structopt::StructOpt;
use time::{Duration, Instant};
use tokio::time;
use mcstat::{
get_table, mc_formatted_to_ansi, none_if_empty, output::Table, parse_base64_image,
resolve_address, EitherStatusResponse,
use tracing::info;
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
name = "mcstat",
about = "queries information about a minecraft server"
struct Opt {
index = 1,
help = "The Address to ping. By default, a SRV lookup will be made to resolve this, \
unless the port is specified."
ip: String,
long = "protocol",
help = "the protocol version to use",
default_value = "751"
protocol_version: usize,
help = "the time before the server ping times out in milliseconds",
default_value = "5000"
timeout: u64,
#[structopt(long, short, help = "print raw json response")]
raw: bool,
#[structopt(long, short, help = "print mod list")]
mods: bool,
short = "v",
requires = "mods",
help = "also prints mod versions"
modversions: bool,
#[structopt(long, help = "displays forge mod channels if the server sends them")]
channels: bool,
#[structopt(long, short, help = "print the server's favicon to stdout")]
image: bool,
#[structopt(short, requires = "image", help = "size of the favicon ascii art")]
size: Option<u32>,
impl Opt {
fn get_viuer_conf(&self) -> viuer::Config {
let size = self.size.unwrap_or(16);
viuer::Config {
transparent: true,
absolute_offset: false,
width: Some(size * 2),
height: Some(size),
async fn main() -> miette::Result<()> {
let opt = Opt::from_args();
let (addr, port) = resolve_address(&opt.ip)
.wrap_err("Error resolving address")?;
info!("Using address '{}:{}'", &addr, &port);
let config = ConnectionConfig::build(addr)
// create timeout for server connection
let (raw_response, ping) = time::timeout(Duration::from_millis(opt.timeout), async {
info!("Connecting to server");
let start_time = Instant::now();
let mut con = config.connect().await.into_diagnostic()?;
// we end the timer here, because at this point, we've sent ONE request to the
// server, and we don't want to send 2, since then we get double the
// ping. the connect function may have some processing which may take
// some time, but it shouldn't make an impact since this code runs at rust
// speed.
let end_time = Instant::now();
info!("Requesting status");
let status = con.status_raw().await.into_diagnostic()?;
Result::<_, miette::Error>::Ok((status, end_time - start_time))
.context("Connection to server timed out.")??;
if opt.raw {
println!("{}", raw_response);
return Ok(());
info!("Parsing status");
let response = serde_json::from_str::<EitherStatusResponse>(&raw_response).into_diagnostic()?;
let response = match response {
EitherStatusResponse::Text { text } => {
println!("The server says:\n{}", text);
return Ok(());
EitherStatusResponse::Normal(r) => r,
// if the server has mods, and the user hasn't used the -m argument, notify
// that.
if let (false, Some(_)) = (opt.mods, response.forge_mod_info()) {
println!("This server has mods. To show them use the -m argument\n")
if let (Some(img), true) = (response.favicon, opt.image) {
let decoded = parse_base64_image(img)?;
viuer::print(&decoded, &opt.get_viuer_conf()).into_diagnostic()?;
fn format_table(
response: &StatusResponse,
ping: u128,
mods: bool,
modversions: bool,
channels: bool,
) -> Table {
// this syntax is used due to a nightly function which will be added to rust
// also called intersperse
let player_sample = Itertools::intersperse(
let mut table = Table::new();
if let Some((w, _)) = term_size::dimensions() {
table.max_block_width = w;
if let Some(s) = none_if_empty!(mc_formatted_to_ansi(response.description.get_text())
.unwrap_or_else(|e| format!("Error: {}", e)))
table.big_entry("Description", s);
if let ServerDescription::Big(big_desc) = &response.description {
let desc = &big_desc.extra;
let txt = desc.iter().map(|p| p.text.clone()).collect::<String>();
if let Some(s) = none_if_empty!(txt) {
table.big_entry("Extra Description", s);
if let Some(s) = none_if_empty!(
mc_formatted_to_ansi(&player_sample).unwrap_or_else(|e| format!("Error: {}", e))
) {
table.big_entry("Player Sample", s);
if let Some(s) = none_if_empty!(& {
table.small_entry("Server Version", s);
table.small_entry("Online Players", &;
table.small_entry("Max Players", &response.players.max);
table.small_entry("Ping", ping);
table.small_entry("Protocol Version", &response.version.protocol);
if let (Some(mod_list), true) = (response.forge_mod_info(), mods) {
let txt = get_table(
.sorted_by(|a, b| a.modid.cmp(&b.modid))
.map(|m| (&*m.modid, &*m.version)),
if let Some(s) = none_if_empty!(txt) {
table.big_entry("Mods", s);
if let (true, Some(fd)) = (channels, &response.forge_data) {
let txt = get_table(
.sorted_by(|a, b| a.res.cmp(&b.res))
.map(|c| (&*c.res, &*c.version)),
if let Some(s) = none_if_empty!(txt) {
table.big_entry("Forge Channels", s);