
57 lines
1.6 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const zz = @import("zellzig");
comptime {
// This function creates all the exports needed by zellij plugins.
// As a paremeter, you should pass the struct that contains the
// `init`, `update` and `render` functions. It is recommended
// to put these functions in your root file, and pass the root
// struct by using `@This()`.
// assign out allocator to make sure it doesn't get free'd once init returns
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
var mode: ?zz.types.InputMode = null;
// the zellij version the plugin is written for
pub const zellij_version = "0.34.0";
// called on startup
pub fn init() void {
// This is required to make zellij close once everything but our plugin is gone.
// Make sure we get events.
zz.api.subscribe(&[_]zz.types.EventType{.ModeUpdate}) catch unreachable;
// called on every event
// return true to indicate that the plugin should be rendered
pub fn update() bool {
var ev = zz.getEvent(gpa.allocator()) catch return false;
defer ev.deinit();
switch (ev.data) {
.ModeUpdate => |mode_info| {
mode = mode_info.mode;
return true;
else => {},
return false;
// called to draw the UI
pub fn render(rows: i32, cols: i32) void {
_ = rows;
_ = cols;
if (mode) |m| {
var out = std.io.getStdOut();
var writer = out.writer();
writer.writeAll("Super sophisticated status bar: ") catch {};
writer.writeAll(@tagName(m)) catch {};