2021-11-26 20:05:13 +01:00

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#Tools with the Acquisition enchantment automatically pick up drops.
"Acquisition enabled" = true
#Aerial Affinity is a boots enchantment that increases mining rate when not on the ground.
"AerialAffinity enabled" = true
#Removes minimum and maximum XP costs on the anvil. Anvils are also less likely to break.
"AnvilImprovements enabled" = true
#Lightweight armor is invisible and does not increase mob awareness when drinking Potion of Invisibility.
"ArmorInvisibility enabled" = true
#Storage for maps that automatically updates the displayed map as you explore.
"Atlas enabled" = true
#Refills your hotbar from your inventory.
"AutoRestock enabled" = true
#Unlocks all vanilla recipes.
"AutomaticRecipeUnlock enabled" = false
#Right-click a bat with a bucket to capture it. Right-click again to release it and locate entities around you.
"BatBuckets enabled" = true
#Passive and friendly mobs will heal themselves within range of a beacon with the regeneration effect.
"BeaconsHealMobs enabled" = true
#Beekeepers are villagers that trade beekeeping items. Their job site is the beehive.
"Beekeepers enabled" = true
#Ender pearl storage. Eating a chorus fruit will teleport you to the nearest ender pearl block.
"BlockOfEnderPearls enabled" = true
#A storage block for gunpowder. It obeys gravity and dissolves in lava.
"BlockOfGunpowder enabled" = true
#A storage block for sugar. It obeys gravity and dissolves in water.
"BlockOfSugar enabled" = true
#Bookshelves that can hold up to 9 stacks of books and maps.
"Bookcases enabled" = true
#Campfires no longer damage mobs.
"CampfiresNoDamage enabled" = true
#Candles are made from beeswax and have a lower ambient light than torches.
"Candles enabled" = true
#Cave spiders have a chance to drop cobwebs.
"CaveSpidersDropCobwebs enabled" = true
#Chickens randomly drop feathers.
"ChickensDropFeathers enabled" = true
#Coral can be combined with sea lanterns to make colored variants.
"CoralSeaLanterns enabled" = true
#Coral Squids spawn near coral in warm oceans.
"CoralSquids enabled" = true
#A smaller storage solution with the benefit of being transportable.
"Crates enabled" = true
#Combine a tool or armor with a netherite nugget on an anvil to reduce its repair cost.
"DecreaseRepairCost enabled" = true
#Right-clicking dirt with a shovel turns it into grass path.
"DirtToPath enabled" = true
#Endermites drop endermite powder that can be used to locate an End City.
"EndermitePowder enabled" = true
#Extends the lifetime of netherite-based items before they despawn.
"ExtendNetherite enabled" = true
#Adds custom recipes.
"ExtraRecipes enabled" = true
#Extract enchantments from any enchanted item into an empty book using the grindstone.
"ExtractEnchantments enabled" = true
#A player wearing feather falling enchanted boots will not trample crops.
"FeatherFallingCrops enabled" = true
#Glowballs can be thrown to produce a light source where they impact.
"Glowballs enabled" = true
#Gold variant of vanilla iron bars.
"GoldBars enabled" = true
#Gold version of the vanilla chain.
"GoldChains enabled" = true
#Gold version of the vanilla lanterns.
"GoldLanterns enabled" = true
#Right-click with a hoe to quickly harvest and replant a fully-grown crop.
"HoeHarvesting enabled" = false
#Husks spawn anywhere within their biome and have a chance to drop sand.
"HuskImprovements enabled" = true
#Button to automatically tidy inventories.
"InventoryTidying enabled" = false
#A functional block that speeds up cooking of clay, bricks and terracotta.
"Kilns enabled" = true
#Lumberjacks are villagers that trade wooden items. Their job site is the woodcutter.
"Lumberjacks enabled" = true
#Show maps in tooltips.
"MapTooltips enabled" = true
#Adds decoration and more ores to mineshafts.
"MineshaftImprovements enabled" = true
#Mooblooms are cow-like mobs that come in a variety of flower types. They spawn flowers where they walk and can be milked for suspicious stew.
"Mooblooms enabled" = true
#Crying obsidian and refined obsidian can be used to construct nether portal frames.
"MorePortalFrames enabled" = true
#Villages can spawn in swamps and jungles.
"MoreVillageBiomes enabled" = true
#Playing a record in a jukebox stops background music from playing at the same.
#Creative music tracks may also play in survival mode.
"MusicImprovements enabled" = true
#Netherite nuggets can be combined to create a netherite ingot.
"NetheriteNuggets enabled" = true
#Parrots stay on your shoulder when jumping and falling. Crouch to make them dismount.
"ParrotsStayOnShoulder enabled" = true
#Right-clicking on a grass path block with a hoe turns it back into dirt.
"PathToDirt enabled" = true
#Allows crafting from inventory if the player has a crafting table in their inventory.
"PortableCrafting enabled" = true
#Allows access to chest contents if the player has an Ender Chest in their inventory.
"PortableEnderChest enabled" = true
#Raid horns are sometimes dropped from raid leaders and can be used to call off or start raids.
"RaidHorns enabled" = true
#A lantern that emits light when a redstone signal is received.
"RedstoneLanterns enabled" = true
#A block that acts like sand but is powered like a block of redstone.
"RedstoneSand enabled" = true
#Decorative block made by smelting obsidian.
"RefinedObsidian enabled" = true
#When any action would cause a villager to become a nitwit, it becomes an unemployed villager instead.
"RemoveNitwits enabled" = true
#Removes the potion enchantment glint so you can see what the potion color is.
"RemovePotionGlint enabled" = true
#Shows the contents of a Shulker Box on hover-over.
"ShulkerBoxTooltips enabled" = true
#Allows the night to pass when a specified number of players are asleep.
"SleepImprovements enabled" = true
#Smelt glowstone to get smooth glowstone.
"SmoothGlowstone enabled" = true
#Increases snow layers in cold biomes during thunderstorms.
"SnowStorms enabled" = true
#Allows enchanted books to stack.
"StackableEnchantedBooks enabled" = true
#Allows potions to stack.
"StackablePotions enabled" = true
#Allows stews to stack.
"StackableStews enabled" = true
#Strays spawn anywhere within their biome and have a chance to drop blue ice.
"StrayImprovements enabled" = true
#Tamed animals do not take direct damage from players.
"TamedAnimalsNoDamage enabled" = true
#When applied, this enchantment lets you change the color of the enchanted glint using dye on an anvil. Requires Core 'Enchantment glint override' to be true.
"Tinted enabled" = true
#As long as a Totem of Undying is in your inventory, it will be consumed to protect you from death.
"UseTotemFromInventory enabled" = true
#Barrels available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantBarrels enabled" = true
#Bookshelves available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantBookshelves enabled" = true
#Chests available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantChests enabled" = true
#Ladders available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantLadders enabled" = true
#Mobs may spawn with different textures.
"VariantMobTextures enabled" = true
#Villagers are attracted when the player holds a block of emeralds.
"VillagersFollowEmeraldBlocks enabled" = true
#Wandering traders only appear near signal campfires and sell maps to biomes and structures.
"WanderingTraderImprovements enabled" = true
#A witch has a chance to drop a Potion of Luck when killed by a player.
"WitchesDropLuck enabled" = true
#A functional block that adds more efficient recipes for crafting wooden stairs and slabs.
"Woodcutters enabled" = true
#Player-only pressure plates.
"PlayerPressurePlates enabled" = true
#If true, an enchanted book with a level higher than the maximum enchantment level may be applied to an item.
"Allow higher enchantment levels" = true
#If true, items show their repair cost in their tooltip when looking at the anvil screen.
"Show item repair cost" = true
#If true, removes the maximum cost of 40 XP when working items on the anvil.
"Remove Too Expensive" = true
#If true, anvils are 50% less likely to take damage when used.
"Stronger anvils" = true
#Allow opening the atlas while it is in the off hand.
"Open in off hand" = false
#Map scale used in atlases by default.
"Map scale" = 0
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = true
#Number of seconds that entities will receive the glowing effect.
"Glowing time" = 10
#Range (in blocks) in which entities will glow.
"Viewing range" = 24
#Chance of a custom building to spawn. For reference, a vanilla library is 5.
"Beekeeper house weight" = 5
#This module is automatically disabled if Buzzier Bees is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#A chorus fruit will teleport you to an ender pearl block within this range (in blocks).
"Chorus teleport range" = 8
#If true, a silverfish has a chance to be converted into an endermite when it is next to an ender pearl block.
"Convert silverfish to endermite" = true
#If true, eating a chorus fruit while in range of an ender pearl block will teleport you to it.
"Chorus fruit teleport" = true
#Additional items that may be placed in bookcases.
"Valid books" = []
#If true, soul campfires will still cause damage to mobs.
"Soul campfires cause damage" = true
#If true, candles will be lit when placed rather than needing a flint and steel.
"Lit when placed" = false
#The amount of light (out of 15) that a lit candle will provide.
"Light level" = 9
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#Maximum cobwebs dropped when cave spider is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a coral squid dropping coral when killed by the player.
"Drop chance" = 0.2
#Chance of coral squids spawning in warm ocean biomes.
"Spawn weight" = 50
#Set the default glint color for all enchanted items.
"Enchantment glint color" = "purple"
#If true, replaces vanilla glint color rendering with Charm's, allowing for multiple enchantment glint colors.
"Enchantment glint override" = true
#If true, routes additional debug messages into the standard game log.
"Debug mode" = false
#If inventory crafting or inventory ender chest modules are enabled, pressing escape or inventory key returns you to the inventory rather than closing the window.
"Inventory button return" = false
#If true, hovering over a crate will show its contents in a tooltip.
"Show tooltip" = true
#The tool repair cost will be decreased by this amount.
"Repair cost decrease" = 5
#Number of levels required to reduce repair cost on the anvil.
"XP cost" = 0
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#Maximum endermite powder dropped when endermite is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#Player will trigger EntitySpawner blocks when closer than this distance.
"Trigger distance" = 16
#Additional time (in seconds) given to netherite and netherite-based items before they despawn.
"Extra lifetime" = 300
#If true, adds a recipe for Gilded Blackstone using gold nuggets and blackstone.
"Gilded Blackstone" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for Cyan Dye using warped roots.
"Cyan Dye" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for the Trident using prismarine shards and crystals.
Trident = true
#If true, adds a recipe for Soul Torches using soul sand/soul soil and sticks.
"Soul Torch" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for Green Dye using yellow and blue dyes.
"Green Dye" = true
#Initial XP cost before adding XP equivalent to the enchantment level(s) of the item.
"Initial XP cost" = 2
#Turn this off to prevent trampling even when the player does not wear feather falling boots.
"Requires feather falling" = true
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#If true, husks drop sand when killed.
"Drop sand when killed" = true
#Maximum sand dropped when husk is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#If true, husks can spawn anywhere within their biome rather than just the surface.
"Spawn anywhere in biome" = true
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#Chance of a custom building to spawn. For reference, a vanilla library is 5.
"Lumberjack house weight" = 5
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#If true, precious ores will spawn in the central mineshaft room.
"Room blocks" = true
#If true, occasionally there will be piles of ore in mineshaft corridors.
"Corridor block piles" = true
#If true, loot crates will be added to mineshaft corridors.
"Add crates" = true
#If true, stone, ore, lanterns and TNT will spawn inside mineshaft corridors.
"Corridor blocks" = true
#If true, the six Creative music tracks may play in survival mode.
"Play Creative music" = true
#Interval (in ticks) on which additional world state will be synchronised to the client.
"Server state update interval" = 120
#If true, sets a keybind for opening the portable crafting table (defaults to 'c').
"Enable keybind" = true
#If true, sets a keybind for opening the portable Ender Chest (defaults to 'b').
"Enable keybind" = true
#Volume of the raid horn sound effect when used. 1.0 is maximum volume.
Volume = 0.75
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a patrol captain dropping a raid horn when killed by the player.
"Drop chance" = 0.05
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#If true, the sleeping player does not need to wait as long before ending the night.
"Faster sleep" = false
#The number of players required to sleep in order to bring the next day.
"Number of required players" = 1
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#Chance (out of 1.0) every tick of snow increasing by one layer during a thunderstorm.
"Snow layer chance" = 0.15
#If true, heavier snow textures are rendered during thunderstorms.
"Heavier snow texture" = true
#Maximum enchanted book stack size.
"Stack size" = 16
#Maximum potion stack size.
"Stack size" = 16
#Maximum stew stack size.
"Stack size" = 16
#Also apply to suspicious stew.
"Enable suspicious stew" = false
#Maximum blue ice dropped when stray is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#If true, strays drop blue ice when killed.
"Drop blue ice when killed" = true
#If true, strays can spawn anywhere within their biome rather than just the surface.
"Spawn anywhere in biome" = true
#Number of levels required to change a tinted item using dye on an anvil.
"XP cost" = 0
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#If true, wolves may spawn with different textures.
"Variant wolves" = true
#If true, chickens may spawn with different textures. This is disabled if Quark is present.
"Variant chickens" = true
#If true, pigs may spawn with different textures. This is disabled if Quark is present.
"Variant pigs" = true
#If true, snow golems may spawn with different derp faces.
"Variant snow golems" = true
#If true, all animals have a chance to spawn as a rare variant.
"Rare variants" = true
#Approximately 1 in X chance of a mob spawning as a rare variant.
"Rarity of rare variants" = 1000
#If true, squids may spawn with different textures.
"Variant squids" = true
#If true, cows may spawn with different textures. This is disabled if Quark is present.
"Variant cows" = true
#If true, sheep face and 'shorn' textures match their wool color. This is disabled if Quark is present.
"Variant sheep" = true
#Some animal textures are disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable them.
Override = false
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false
#If true, makes wandering traders more likely to spawn after one Minecraft day.
"Frequent spawning" = false
#If true, wandering traders will sell maps to biomes.
"Trade biome maps" = true
#If true, wandering traders will sell maps to structures.
"Trade structure maps" = true
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a witch dropping a Potion of Luck when killed by the player.
"Drop chance" = 0.05
#This module is automatically disabled if Quark is present. Set true to force enable.
Override = false